2024/08/29 05:30:07 /home/www/go_otrams/staticdata/main.go:66: testing 2024/08/29 06:29:20 /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:3413: http: superfluous response.WriteHeader call from static_data/app/supplier.ManageController (controller.go:216) 2024/08/29 06:36:27 /home/www/go_otrams/staticdata/app/supplier/Logs/logs.go:555: Error: The key ' baseUrl ' was not found in the configuration table for the ' yalago ' supplier. Please ensure that the correct configuration is set up before proceeding. 2024/08/29 06:36:27 /home/www/go_otrams/staticdata/app/supplier/Logs/logs.go:555: Error: The key ' x_api_key ' was not found in the configuration table for the ' yalago ' supplier. Please ensure that the correct configuration is set up before proceeding. 2024/08/29 06:36:27 /home/www/go_otrams/staticdata/app/supplier/yalago/countriesYalago.go:60: Post "/GetCountries": unsupported protocol scheme "" 2024/08/29 06:39:50 /home/www/go_otrams/staticdata/app/supplier/Logs/logs.go:555: Error: The key ' baseUrl ' was not found in the configuration table for the ' yalago ' supplier. Please ensure that the correct configuration is set up before proceeding. 2024/08/29 06:39:50 /home/www/go_otrams/staticdata/app/supplier/Logs/logs.go:555: Error: The key ' x_api_key ' was not found in the configuration table for the ' yalago ' supplier. Please ensure that the correct configuration is set up before proceeding. 2024/08/29 06:55:08 /home/www/go_otrams/staticdata/app/supplier/Logs/logs.go:555: Error: The key ' baseUrl ' was not found in the configuration table for the ' yalago ' supplier. Please ensure that the correct configuration is set up before proceeding. 2024/08/29 06:55:08 /home/www/go_otrams/staticdata/app/supplier/Logs/logs.go:555: Error: The key ' x_api_key ' was not found in the configuration table for the ' yalago ' supplier. Please ensure that the correct configuration is set up before proceeding. 2024/08/29 06:55:08 /home/www/go_otrams/staticdata/app/supplier/yalago/countriesYalago.go:60: Post "/GetCountries": unsupported protocol scheme "" 2024/08/29 07:34:25 /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:3413: http: superfluous response.WriteHeader call from static_data/app/supplier.ManageController (controller.go:216) 2024/08/29 11:45:21 /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:3413: http: superfluous response.WriteHeader call from static_data/app/supplier.ManageController (controller.go:216) 2024/08/29 12:52:28 /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:3413: http: superfluous response.WriteHeader call from static_data/app/supplier.ManageController (controller.go:216)